Where We Work

Dalits and Adhavasis empowerment

The Dalits and Adhivasis are the major sections of the society in which the modern slavery is prevalent. These vulnerable sections are prohibited or forbidden the basic social rights, economical rights, civil rights, political rights, cultural rights and educational rights for many centuries. Sexual violence, honour killing and social discriminations in many forms are perpetrated against them even in the present times.

To be freed from the above, the Dalits and Adhivasis need to be empowered. Karpi trust envisions targeted activities to bring awareness about various social security schemes and through various entrepreneurship development schemes. Karpi trust strongly believes that empowering Dalits and Adhivasis will solve many issues like multi-dimensional poverty, malnutrition, achieve zero hunger, good health, over all well-being and clean environment.


Child friendly communities

The child friendly communities will involve development of health and wellbeing of the children with complete nutrition, zero abuses, better education and good environment.

According to the state-wide data on malnutrition, presented by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) and National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), there were 7, 06,000 deaths of children below five years in the year 2017 due to malnutrition. According to UNICEF’s report, “State of the World’s Children 2019,” deaths increased to 8, 82,000 in the year 2018.

Karpi trust helps them in creating awareness on nutrition and child rights. We work with the community and children for their nutritious food intake. We help the children in joyful learning through smart learning solutions. We work towards helping them to create their own happy childhood.

Child friendly communities

The child friendly communities will involve development of health and wellbeing of the children with complete nutrition, zero abuses, better education and good environment.

According to the state-wide data on malnutrition, presented by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) and National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), there were 7, 06,000 deaths of children below five years in the year 2017 due to malnutrition. According to UNICEF’s report, “State of the World’s Children 2019,” deaths increased to 8, 82,000 in the year 2018.

Karpi trust helps them in creating awareness on nutrition and child rights. We work with the community and children for their nutritious food intake. We help the children in joyful learning through smart learning solutions. We work towards helping them to create their own happy childhood.


Environment and Ecological friendly communities

Due to the rapid urbanization, air water and land pollution, the environment is under severe stress. In order to fight against this, awareness camps will be held by the trust. And to combat against the global warming, afforestation programmes with regeneration of traditional trees will be conducted.

We will work with the communities in producing eco-friendly products and we will strongly advocate ethical consumerism.


Clean Energy

In most of the villages, villagers still depend on firewood for cooking which causes smoke affecting the internal and external environments. Women’s health is mostly affected by firewood burning. Karpi trust will help them with the clean bio-gas produced from the septic tanks, which will help them physically, economically and also attain environment friendly life style. We will work with renewable resources like solar and wind power to attain clean energy and thereby reduce the emissions.

Due to the global warming and shrinking of the forest, many species are thriving under vulnerable conditions. Karpi trust works on their conservation.

Clean Energy

In most of the villages, villagers still depend on firewood for cooking which causes smoke affecting the internal and external environments. Women’s health is mostly affected by firewood burning. Karpi trust will help them with the clean bio-gas produced from the septic tanks, which will help them physically, economically and also attain environment friendly life style. We will work with renewable resources like solar and wind power to attain clean energy and thereby reduce the emissions.

Due to the global warming and shrinking of the forest, many species are thriving under vulnerable conditions. Karpi trust works on their conservation.


Disaster management

Karpi trust works on all the three phases of disaster management (i.e) Pre disaster, during disaster and post disaster times. It primarily focuses on the land degradation which very much affects agricultural productivity and food security. We work on creating awareness on the various climate smart agricultural practices.

Due to the global warming the coastal villages are very much affected by sea level rise and many of its related impacts. Karpi trust will work in the coastal areas along with the coastal communities and aims to help them in the relief measures.


Grass root governance

All over the world there are many examples of grassroot democracy in their own style. Likewise in India and especially Tamil Nadu, it has a long tradition of Panchayat Raj institutions. The 73rd amendment act gave constitutional power to the local bodies to act as self-government. As the grass root governance system encompasses people’s participation and decentralization of power, working with the Panchayat Raj institutions is very much the need of the time.

Karpi trust believes that the Panchayat Raj system can be instrumental in eradicating rural poverty, dalit and women empowerment and gender equality. Hence it helps the grama sabhas in formulating the village level plan and to prepare the plan by the people themselves by training them.

Grass root governance

All over the world there are many examples of grassroot democracy in their own style. Likewise in India and especially Tamil Nadu, it has a long tradition of Panchayat Raj institutions. The 73rd amendment act gave constitutional power to the local bodies to act as self-government. As the grass root governance system encompasses people’s participation and decentralization of power, working with the Panchayat Raj institutions is very much the need of the time.

Karpi trust believes that the Panchayat Raj system can be instrumental in eradicating rural poverty, dalit and women empowerment and gender equality. Hence it helps the grama sabhas in formulating the village level plan and to prepare the plan by the people themselves by training them.


Peace and justice strong institutions

Karpi trust strongly believes in all forms of rights and development.  None should be left behind. If anyone is left behind in the name of caste, race, religion, sex and language, it is the responsibility of the government and the social and democratic institutions to work for the victim and to ensure their rights and development.

We strongly believe that Dalits, Adhivasis, women, minorities, physically challenged and the sexual minorities are in need of strong peace and justice institutions to have their rights.

Karpi trust will work with the various government and civil society organizations to ensure the peace and justice to the people. Peace and justice ensures the social harmony.


Make Donations

Karpi Trust bases its entire activities through the contributions from the people who strongly believe in the equality and justice. Keeping this in view, the trust has resolved that it will not involve in fund raising from individuals and institutions who involve in any unethical business.


Make Donations

Karpi Trust bases its entire activities through the contributions from the people who strongly believe in the equality and justice. Keeping this in view, the trust has resolved that it will not involve in fund raising from individuals and institutions who involve in any unethical business.