Grass root governance

Grass root governance

All over the world there are many examples of grassroot democracy in their own style. Likewise in India and especially Tamil Nadu, it has a long tradition of Panchayat Raj institutions. The 73rd amendment act gave constitutional power to the local bodies to act as self-government. As the grass root governance system encompasses people’s participation and decentralization of power, working with the Panchayat Raj institutions is very much the need of the time.

Karpi trust believes that the Panchayat Raj system can be instrumental in eradicating rural poverty, dalit and women empowerment and gender equality. Hence it helps the grama sabhas in formulating the village level plan and to prepare the plan by the people themselves by training them.


Make Donations

Karpi Trust bases its entire activities through the contributions from the people who strongly believe in the equality and justice. Keeping this in view, the trust has resolved that it will not involve in fund raising from individuals and institutions who involve in any unethical business.


Make Donations

Karpi Trust bases its entire activities through the contributions from the people who strongly believe in the equality and justice. Keeping this in view, the trust has resolved that it will not involve in fund raising from individuals and institutions who involve in any unethical business.